Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Collegial and Formal Type of Leadership

Collegial and Formal Type of Leadership This assignment consists of two parts. In the first part, the models of collegial and formal type of leadership are considered and compared to the head teachers role to which the author is familiar within the educational system of Cyprus. The head teachers role will be analysed both leadership styles. In the second part, the author concentrates on the assumptions made about the school organization and its values with the collegial and formal types of leadership. The assignment ends with a conclusion based on the authors understanding of leadership that emerges from a consideration of both theory and practice in relation to these two models. Part 1 According to Pashiardis (1995) the educational system in Cyprus has a bureaucratic structure and school principals are constantly trying to satisfy the bureaucrats rather than the needs of students and parents. Everything must be done in a pre-determined manner, which hardly leaves any space for errors or gives leeway for deviation from the mainstream. This is the main reason why the formal model of leadership is being chosen. Most of the elements of management fit into the bureaucratic structure of the Cypriot educational system. On the other hand, within the collegial model of leadership the governing body of each school is free to set additional aims and objectives that would not only benefit the school community but also the quality of the education offered. Collegial Model of Management According to Bush (1995) and his collegial model, the aims emerge from a participative process whereby staff reach an agreement based on common values. The leader in a collegial model believes that school staff should always be a team in order to be effective and that everyone should be involved in all activities concerning the school practices. In this case, all teachers should have a common vision, set a mission and be aware of their role to ensure the success of the academic enterprise. The elements of Collegial Model are the processes by which goals are determined by the nature of decision process and the leadership style. The collegial model is based on agreement goals among the members of an organization and presents lateral structures and all members have the right to participate in the decision process. As Kaily P. (2010) wrote specific problems can be addressed by different committees which are appointed at the beginning of the school year. These committees consist of teachers according to their abilities and expertise. They undertake to address and solve problems that arise during the school year such as student discipline by formulating a code of conduct, violence at school- prevention and treatment, development activities for motivation in learning, learning difficulties and workarounds (Kaily P. E849 Web Activity 1, 2 November 2010). Furthermore, Palli C. (2010) there is a shared leadership and a collective sense of responsibility among the staff at her sc hool. At the beginning of the school year there was a delegation of roles and responsibilities. Also the teachers had the opportunity to select the committees they wanted to be members according to their interests (Palli C. E849 Web Activity 1, 3 November 2010). The most positive aspect of the Collegial Model is the fact that goals have already been agreed, resulting to the possibility for the participant staff to concentrate and to achieve the goals set. Everybodys ambitions, expertise and capabilities are taken into consideration and used in a way that promotes the welfare of the school unit. As Bennett has argued, knowledge is an important power resource. Sharing knowledge in a collaborative way requires a high degree of mutual trust and consensus (Study Guide p. 37). Formal Model of Management Looking into Bush (1995) the formal models of management aver that objectives are set at the institutional level. Goals are determined by senior staff and the support of other teachers is taken for granted. Therefore, the activities of schools are evaluated in the light of these official purposes. Furthermore, the organizational structure is regarded as objective reality. Individuals hold defined positions in the organization and working relationships are assumed to be strongly influenced by these official positions. Formal models treat structures as hierarchical with decision-making as a top-down process (Study Guide p. 32). In contrast to collegiality, the characteristics of  the formal management models  according to Bush (2003) heads have  authority because of their positions  and are  accountable  for what they do to their sponsor they use any  rational  way to achieve goalsâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  fits a lot to the Cypriot Educational System. Not only do public schools but also private ones have debt-reduction management programmes and everything must be centralized and economies of scale must be made. One is asked to annually report in advance how many students are registered for the following academic year that the number of teachers is reduced to the minimum to save resources. In bureaucracy, efficiency, discipline, control, reliability  is more important (Weber 1989, p.312). Promotion is on the basis of seniority  (Bush 2003) more like a typical formal bureaucratic Cypriot school. However, after a long waiting at the age of 40-55 one finally leave from the low-paying Cypriot private sc hool and is employed by a highly-benefiting Cypriot public school. When he/she gets employed at public school, will only find out just a few days before the school year starts, revealing bureaucracy which is neither efficient nor reliable. Part 2 According to Bush and Derek (2003) leadership may be understood as influence but this notion is neutral in that it does not explain or recommend what goals or actions should be sought through this process. However, certain alternative constructs of leadership focus on the need for leadership to be grounded in firm personal and professional values (Bush and Derek, 2003, p.4). Wasserberg (1999) also claims that the primary role of any leader is the unification of people around key values (Wasserberg, 1999, p.158). Furthermore, according to Gross (1985) values are generated externally to the individual rather than being internal, personal creations. However individuals play crucial role in establishing particular values with environments in which they live and work (Study Guide, p. 47). Bush (1998; 2003) also links leadership to values or purpose while management relates to implementation or technical issues (Bush, 1998, 2003, p.4) Collegial model is interpinned by integrative and motivating values. Integrative values are those that serve to draw individuals into collectivity and motivating values are those that shape individual and collective perceptions of needs and interests (Study Guide, p. 46). The implication of these values for leadership role in the educational system in Cyprus could justified since head teachers usually encourage the staff to take part in any decision-making procedure. In this way agrees for certain values the schools. Thus personal opinions (teachers, parents students) are acceptable by others, differences and disagreements are shown in a democratic form. In addition, collaboration is promoted by head teachers. Every teacher, parent, student has its personal needs and interests. Head teachers try to help all members in personal and professional difficulties and offer ways in order for everyone to have a role in the school. Moreover, head teachers promote trust and confidence among all members, make constructive comments and encourage staff to participate in educational seminars and other educational programs. The formal leadership model combines mostly regulatory and directive values which seek to control the behaviour of individuals and groups. The equal opportunities and race relations legislation is enacted in many developed countries. Such values are an important part of the policy process both nationally and within organizations. Whether we accept or reject someone elses value system is not the same as denying that it is a value which shapes their actions (Study Guide p.46). This is one of the three different kinds of Grosss classified values which influence different facets of the school.   Although the ministry of Education and Culture directs schools on how to operate, each school may develop its own principles and values according to its particular needs and aims. Under the guidance of the Head Teacher certain values have been defined for my schools culture like: Equal opportunities for all children as an expression of fundamental human rights, the development of students socia l skills, democratic dialogue in case of conflicts among the children, the multi-dimensional improvement of childrens personality, the importance of interaction with the external environment (parents), and the practice of multiple intelligences. All the above societal values are articulated within the school serve to draw individuals into a formality. The way that my school is managed promotes collaboration and reduces conflict between staff. The head teacher supports the efforts of his teachers and motivates them to share and generate the schools values. He helps teachers cope with the difficulties encountered and promotes respect, democracy, honesty and trust. He encourages teachers to take part in educational seminars and provides equal opportunities for participation in decision making trying to follow democratic values. Individuals play a crucial role in establishing particular values within the environments in which they live and work. Values are manifested in the actions people take, including the things that they say and the language they use (Study Guide, 47).   According to Sergiovanni (2000), how we resolve a problem relates to the extent to which our decision making is dominated by the values of our life world and our system world. As he interprets, system world should be interdependent with life world (the essence o f values and beliefs) Conclusion In conclusion it can be seen that there has to be a leadership style which will incorporate practices from both styles of leadership and which promote the development of the school through the participation and involvement of all the staff members. A head teachers role is to make the vision and the mission of the school known to his/her staff in order for the teachers with the right knowledge and ability to be involved in the decision making. References Bush T 2003. Theories of Educational Management, 3rd edn. London: Sage. Bush T. And Derek G., (2003), School Leadership: Concepts and Evidence, Full report Spring 2003 E849 Leading and Managing for Effective Education, Study Guide, (2003), The Open University. Kaily P. E849 Web Activity 1, 2 November 2010 Palli C., E849 Web Activity 1, 3 November 2010 Pashiardis, P. (1995), Cyprus principals and the universalities of effective leadership, International Studies in Educational Administration, Vol. 23 No. 1, pp. 16-26. Bush, T. (1998) The National Professional Qualification for Headship: the key to effective school leadership?, School Leadership and Management, 18(3) 321-34. Sergiovanni 2000, Effective Educational Leadership, O.U., Sage Wasserberg, M. (1999), Creating the vision and making it happen, in Tomlinson, H., Gunter, H. and Smith, P. (Eds.), Living Headship: Voices, Values and Vision, London, Paul Chapman. Webb, R. and Vulliamy, G. (1996), The changing role of the primary head teacher, Educational Management and Administration, 24 (3), 301-15.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Critique of Story Haircut :: essays research papers

Reading through the whole story "Haircut" , it is not easy to believe that the death of Jim Kendall is really accidental. It is most likely that the incident is a murder. Jim Kendall is not a man who is loved by people in that small town, although some people find his jokes funny as long as they are not on them. There are many examples of those on whom Jim always makes annoying jokes such as Milt who "has got an Adams apple that looks more like a mushmelon" Julie Gregg and especially Paul Dickson who fell out of a tree when he was about ten years old : "Lit on his head and it done something to him and he ain’t never been right. No harm in him, but just silly." Paul is the most important one among them because of two reasons: He is not as clever and reasonable as the others and he is the one who was killed Jim Kendall. Of course these do not prove that the killing of Jim is on purpose. However there are some more reasons that can cause Paul kill Jim on purpose. As we understood from what is told, Paul is fall in love with Julie although she just feels pity on him : "The poor boy was crazy about Julie and she always treated him mighty nice and made him feel like he was welcome, though of course it wasn’t nothing but pity on her side" But according to Paul, Jim never treated her right. He faked her by mimicking Doc. Stair when Doc. Stair was away and made her come to doctor’s office. By the way he and some of his friends hid near the office and laugh at her when she realized the trick. They made fun of her till she got home. Later, when Paul learned this he told the whole story to Doc. Stair. He replied Paul that he would make Jim suffer some how : "It’s a chinch Doc went up in the air and swore he’d make Jim suffer" These words from Doc. Stair may well encourage such a person like Paul about punishing Jim Kendall in his own way. We do not know exactly how old Paul is but it can be assumed that he is not very old, he may be a teenager. In his ages insults are much more damaging than knifes.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Public libraries and hi-tech media

Public libraries should only provide books and should not waste their limited money on expensive hi-tech media such as software, video, or DVD. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Some people hold a view that public libraries should allocate their budget on books only, rather than on the advanced facilities such as software, video, or DVD. In my opinion, the functions of modern libraries can be more diversified with the development of our technology.The hi-tech media brings lots of advantages and convenience to the readers. Firstly, with the assistance of software like information system, or self-service books borrowing and returning system, people are able to find any instruction of any book they want such as loan condition, exact location, series number and numbers left and most importantly, reduce the time spent on waiting in line and consulting the staffs. With this regard, fewer employers are needed in libraries, which save certain xpenditure of labors' payment.Furthermore, such technology mediums store far more content than paper books, as well as enable readers to search for updated references that are beneficial for their works. Apart from this, it is a novel way of learning through resources from videos and DVDs. These mediums strengthen our further understanding and provide several proper solutions for questions generated during our reading. However, with the consideration of limited finance, some people's proposal is educing the introduction of technological equipments.Virtually, this idea is such an old-fashioned one because books are far from enough to meet people's demand for knowledge. If a library is filled with books only, the public are not so eager to study there as in other multi-functional libraries. In conclusion, public libraries should be subsidized by governments to the introduction and maintenance of modern facilities and have the collections of both the books and online sources. Public Libraries and Hi-Tech Media Public libraries should only provide books and should not waste their limited money on expensive hi-tech media such as software, video, or DVD. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some people hold a view that public libraries should allocate their budget on books only, rather than on the advanced facilities such as software, video, or DVD. In my opinion, the functions of modern libraries can be more diversified with the development of our technology.The hi-tech media brings lots of advantages and convenience to the readers. Firstly, with the assistance of software like information system, or self-service books borrowing and returning system, people are able to find any instruction of any book they want such as loan condition, exact location, series number and numbers left and most importantly, reduce the time spent on waiting in line and consulting the staffs. With this regard, fewer employers are needed in libraries, which save certain expenditure of labors’ payment.Furth ermore, such technology mediums store far more content than paper books, as well as enable readers to search for updated references that are beneficial for their works. Apart from this, it is a novel way of learning through resources from videos and DVDs. These mediums strengthen our further understanding and provide several proper solutions for questions generated during our reading.However, with the consideration of limited finance, some people’s proposal is reducing the introduction of technological equipments. Virtually, this idea is such an old-fashioned one because books are far from enough to meet people’s demand for knowledge. If a library is filled with books only, the public are not so eager to study there as in other multi-functional libraries.In conclusion, public libraries should be subsidized by governments to the introduction and maintenance of modern facilities and have the collections of both the books and online sources.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Short Story - 1666 Words

â€Å"We got to get him tested?† She smiled. â€Å"Is your blood still itching for Reno to scratch it?† Chay didn’t hesitate. â€Å"Yep.† An hour later, Coates and Chay sat in their car in front of Shadontay Harris’ apartment when Chay got a call, he put the phone on speaker. Ricardo aka Rick Smith had been arrested for beating up the old woman he lived with. As soon as Chay disconnected the call, Coates spotted Shadontay got out of a car carrying a grocery bag. She tapped Chay and they watched as their suspect headed for his apartment. Coates raised an eyebrow. The boy is fine, Facebook didn’t do him justice. Chay noticed the look on her face and read her thoughts. â€Å"Let’s get this dude.† They met Shadontay just as he put the key in his apartment door.†¦show more content†¦The church girl who sang in the church choir and periodically taught Sunday school visited the church one last time at her funeral ceremony. At the grave site, Reno, her boyfriend sat by himself, and left right after his girlfriend’s body was lowered to the ground. Standing from a distance was Michael Levy. He sat on the graveyard ground across the street and waited for everyone to leave. When they were all gone, he slowly walked to Savannah’s grave and cried. â€Å"You would be so proud of me. I just signed up for school. When I become successful, I’m going to start an organization for others like me. I’ll become the mentor to them that you were to me. Savannah’s Fashion Dreamers is what I’m going to call it. I miss you so much. I miss you so much†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The detectives watched as he made it to his car and drove away. The community was still questioning Savannah’s death. It made no sense, some said and they were beginning to doubt if her murder would be solved and the thought did not help them to feel safe. Females started back carrying mace in their purses. The elderly double checked their doors at night to assure that they were locked. Parents made their children come in the house before dark as the questions remained. Who? Why? But the answers would have its conclusion as the detectives continued in their pursuit to bring Savannah justice. ----- The detectives visited Ricardo (Rick) Smith’s victim in the hospital. TheShow MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Ã‚  Characteristics †¢Short  - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Ã‚  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  Ã‚  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a  single impression  or effect.  Ã‚  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing  personal experiences  and  prior knowledge  to the story. 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